ABOUT USExperience - References
Desplom (DTV GROUP) is a strong and responsible company.
All through the years it was able to demonstrate integrity and rigor. In order to adapt to new demands with new challenges, it depends on a professional and stable team with a great experience on the market for mountain works, avalanches, nivology and meteorology studies, installation of controlled release systems for avalanches, anti-avalanches galleries, installation of dynamic and static barriers, cable anchorages, passive and active barriers anchorages as well as high resistance nets on slopes.
(2021) Protection project for the fall of rocky blocks in the Boigons area.
Initial date: February 2021 2021
Date received: March 2021
Place: Escaldes-Engordany
Client: Banc Sabadell d'Andorra
Construction management: Geotècnia RIBAS PORRA
(2021) Construction project of the world's largest footbridge in the Vall de Riu area.
Initial date: January 2021 2021
Date received: December 2021
Place: Parròquia de Canillo
Construction management: UTE-DESPLOM-ERIC
(2021) Protection project for the fall of rocky blocks in the area of La Vall del Riu.
Initial date: March 2021 2021
Date received: September 2021
Place: Canillo
Client: Comú de Canillo
Construction management: GEORISK
(2020) Projecte de protecció per la caiguda de blocs rocosos sobre la CG3 a la zona del Lloser d'Ordino.
Fase 2.
Initial date: May 2020
Date received: June
Place: Ordino
Client: Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2019) Treballs d'estabilització del talús nord i manteniments de la base de la canonada forçada del llac d'Engolasters a la central de FEDA.
FASE 1 (En curs).
Initial date: August 2019
Date received: October
Place: Encamp
Client: FEDA
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2019) Reposició d'una barrera intermèdia a la canal del Coll d'Eres, solana d'Andorra la Vella.
Projecte núm. 0059/2018.
Initial date: April 2019
Date received: June
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2018) Millores hidràuliques dels rius de la conca del riu d'Aixirivall i Llumeneres,
Sector 1: Riu Escobet.
Initial date: March 2018
Date received: May
Place: Sant Julià de Lòria
Client: Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult - Sinus Enginy
(2018) Proteccions enfront la caiguda de blocs rocosos de les parcel·les 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7 dels Boigons.
Initial date: April 2018
Date received: June
Place: Escaldes-Engordany
Client: Progec
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2018) Projecte de protecció per caiguda de blocs rocosos a les Naus Establiments Vidal, al Prat de la Font.
Initial date: Octubre 2018
Date received: May
Place: Sant Julià de Lòria
Construction management: Proterra
(2018) Projecte d'urbanització de la Cabeca (En curs).
Initial date: March 2018
Place: Encamp
Client: COPSA
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2017) Advices on high mountain for snow and avalanche weather observations in off-run areas.
Client: Ministeri de Medi Ambient, Govern d'Andorra
(2017) Perforation and assembly of dynamics barriers in San Júlia, Andorra.
Place: Sant Julià de Lória
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2017) 200ml roadside protection with triple torsion to avoide the collapse of rocky blocks.
Place: Canillo
(2017) Counseling and theoretical and practical training in snow and avalanches at the andorrans naturals guards.
Client: Ministeri de Medi Ambient, Govern d'Andorra
(2017) Estabilització directe del talús resultant de l'eixamplament de la carretera a la zona del Pont de Mereig.
Initial date: June 2017
Date received: October
Place: Canillo
Client: Progec
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2017) Estabilització directe del talús resultant de la construcció de l'edifici Mundial del Pas de la Casa.
Initial date: September 2017
Date received: October
Place: Pas de la Casa
Client: Comú d'Encamp
Construction management: Joan Manuel Rodríguez de Peleato
(2017) Estabilització directe del vessant situat entre la barrera dinàmica i la parcel·la nº9 al Falgueró, propietat de la Sra. Alice Sazy.
Initial date: December 2017
Date received: March
Place: Escaldes-Engordany
Client: Sra. Alice Sazy
(2016) Concrete placement of 30 cubics meters for sustaining mountains paths.
Place: Andorra la Vella
(2016) Drilling and placement of 2000m2 high resistance metal mesh in Ordino, Andorra.
Place: Ordino
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2016) Sanitation and perforation for the placement of 1000m2 metal mesh.
Place: Ordino
(2016) Perforación y colocación de 500 ml de barras de 32 mm en anclajes pasivos.
Place: Sant Julià de Lòria
Client: Particular
(2016) Placement of 120ml dinamics barriers for the protection of the electric supply line in the andorran and France border.
Place: Encamp
Client: Feda
(2016) Projecte d'estabilització d'un tram del Camí Ral sota l'antic pont d'Anyós.
Parròquia de la Massana.
Initial date: January 2016
Date received: February
Place: Anyós
Client: Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2016) Projecte de proteccions enfront la caiguda de blocs rocosos a la CG3 a la zona del Vilaró.
Fase 1.
Initial date: March 2016
Date received: June
Place: Ordino
Client: Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2016) Projecte de reparació i estabilització d'un tram al Rec de l'Obac d'Andorra la Vella.
Initial date: June 2016
Date received: August
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Comú d'Andorra la Vella
Construction management: Proterra
(2016) Estabilització directe dels talussos de l'obra: Eixampla i rectificació de la CG3 i rotonda de les Salines (PK 15+660 al PK 15+880)
Fase 1 (PK15+600 al PK 15+730).
Initial date: July 2016
Date received: September
Place: Ordino
Client: COPSA
Construction management: Agrupació Jordi Raméntol Enginyer - Get Beal - Pere Riba Porras
(2016) Col·locació de barreres dinàmiques per protegir el traçat de la nova línia d'alta tensió 225KV entre el Pas de la Casa i l'Hospitalet.
Initial date: October 2016
Date received: February
Place: Pas de la Casa
Client: FEDA
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2016) Col·locació de barreres dinàmiques a la CG6, Tram 1,
Fase 3, entre el PK 1+124 i el PK 1+684.
Initial date: October 2016
Date received: February
Place: Sant Julià de Lòria
Client: Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2015) Direct stabilization of Roc dels Corbs.
(2015) Supervision and analysis metal structure of the parking Pouets.
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Particular
(2015) Revision and redaction of a report for the Catex of the Las leñas ski area
(2015) Vila road
Protection of turistic road.
Place: Encamp
(2015) Tecnical visit at the south Catex, redaction of a report.
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Particular
(2015) Arranjament de l'Abocador de Juberri,
Initial date: January 2015
Date received: January
Place: Sant Julià de Lòria
Client: Departament de Medi Ambient del Govern d'Andorra
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2015) Projecte d'estabilització i restauració ambiental de la sortida de la finestra núm. 12 del Canal Valira de FEDA.
Parròquia de Canillo.
Initial date: February 2015
Date received: March
Place: Canillo
Client: FEDA
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2015) Actuació urgent per despreniment d'un talús rocos a la part posterior de l'edifici El Querol a Sant Pere del Tarter.
Parròquia de Canillo.
Initial date: June 2015
Date received: September
Place: Sant Pere del Tarter
Client: Particulars
Construction management: Proterra
(2015) Estabilització directe del vessant a la Terreta de Sispony (casa unifamiliar).
Fase 2.
Initial date: July 2015
Date received: September
Place: Sispony
Client: Josep Fortó
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2015) Realització d'anclatges i sistemes de protecció per la construcció de la plataforma panoràmica i ruta interactiva al Roc del Quer.
Initial date: October 2015
Date received: February
Place: Canillo
Construction management: Enginesa
(2015) Estabilització directe del vessant a la Terreta de Sispony (casa unifamiliar).
Fase 1.
Initial date: May 2015
Date received: June
Place: Sispony
Client: Josep Fortó
Construction management: Euroconsult
(2014) Implementation of two Catex for the avalanches triggering.
Place: Bariloche,Argentina
Client: Centre esquí Cerro Catedral
(2014) Perforation and mounting of a mechanical lifting system for the Sant Antoni tunnel
Place: La Massana
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2014) Reparation of the water supplier channel of the electric plant.
Client: FEDA
(2014) Stabilitzation of 1200 tons of slopes with barriers high ressistance.
Place: El Tarter
Client: Immobiliaria Fita
(2013) Realization of massifs and new line for the installation of a Catex systems.
Place: L'hospitalet-près-l'Andorre, França
(2013) Installation of barriers to protect and stabilize the area of La Fontana de Mario
Place: Escaldes-Engordany
(2013) Installation of a barrier to stabilize the area of La Margineda, in Andorra city.
Stabilization of the blocks of rock in the area of Sant Vicenç Enclar.
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2012) Installation of two avalanche systems CATEX, and protection on the ski slopes.
Place: Vall D'Isère, França
(2012) Direct stabilization of "Roc dels Corbs" Phase III.
Installation of a mesh of galvanized steel to stabilize the area. This work was very difficult to access and technically very complex due to the large number of anchors of up to 10m of depth.
(2012) Project for the installation of avalanche systems and protection in the ski slopes
Place: Kaisery, Turquia
Client: Ajuntament de Kaisery
(2011) Ski Resort Ayder Plateau, Trabzon, Turkey
Advice on security in slopes and avalanches.
Place: Trabzon, Turquia
Client: Ski Resort Ayder Plateau
(2011) Protection of east side of the Two Valires tunnel.
Installation of 120m, 2000kJ dynamics barrier and placement of triple torsion nets to prevent superficial landslides.
Place: La Massana
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2011) Supplier for natural risks service as registration number: 187051
Date received: 2017
(2010) Vall d'Aosta, Italia
Installation of a Gazex system to protect the top of the Pila's ski resort.
Place: Aosta Valley, Italia
(2010) DESPLOM is awarded the title of UN service provider.
Technical advice on snow and avalanches in 2 ski resorts for the universities world championships.
Place: Erzurum, Turquia
Execution of the most important work in Asia, concerning protection against avalanches. The Turkish Ski Federation awarded DESPLOM the civil engineering work, assembly and commissioning of 17 Gazex systems to provoke avalanches in a controlled manner.
Date received: 2010
Place: Erzurum, Turquia
(2008) Protection of the ski slopes and trails of the station, Vall Fosca
The council of "La Vall Fosca" Catalonia asked DESPLOM to draft a project for the protection of the ski slopes and trails of the station.
Place: Espanya
Client: Ajuntament de la Vall Fosca
(2008) Protect the roads of Port del Rio Frío
The region of Asturias commissioned DESPLOM to draft a project on snow and avalanches to protect the roads of Port del Rio Frio that connect Asturias and Leon.
Place: España
Client: Asturias
(2008) Creation of the snow and avalanches division of the company
(2008) Protection of the north side of the tunnel that connects La Massana and Andorra.
Installation of a 6m high, 50m long and 3000KJ barrier. Placement of a cable mesh to support unsteady rocks.
Place: La Massana
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2007) Protection of a section of three kilometres on the road Coll d'Ordino
Installation of cable nets, meshes of galvanized steel, and placing dynamic energy barriers of 700kJ to 2000kJ and 6m high.
Place: Canillo
Client: Comú de Canillo
(2006) Direct stabilization of "Roc dels corbs' stage I.
It was the hardest work performed in Europe with these characteristics and the first of its kind in Andorra.
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2005) Drilling and installation of 2000kJ energy barriers.
Place: Canillo
Client: Comú de Canillo
(2004) Placement of 600m of 2000kJ dynamic barrier
2000kJ dynamic barrier in different sections to protect the capital city, Andorra la Vella, against rockslides.
Place: Andorra la Vella
Client: Govern d'Andorra
(2003) Edar. WWTP
Drilling and installation of 2000kJ energy barriers. The access was made with ropes and a helicopter took all the necessary equipment to the construction.
Place: Sant Julià de Lória